How We Helped a Skincare Products Store Increase Their Adwords ROI by 5 Times in Just One Year

Editor’s note: The difference between a professional Google ads company and a mediocre one is that the former knows how to run ad campaigns successfully for getting maximum returns on investment. Recently, we assisted a well-known skincare brand to increase their ad spend by 5 times. Take a look how we did it.

Our client sells wide range of skincare products.  The company also provides expert and professional skincare advice to their customers.

They offer advanced skincare solutions, as well as professional help and advice to customers to ensure the safe and proper use of cosmeceutical products at home.

The company’s goal was to maximize marketing efficiency and increase ROI. They contacted us for the support. Predominantly, they wanted us to focus on Adwords campaign.

After reviewing it, we identified that we had to decrease the cost of conversion by optimizing search campaigns while getting more transactions on their website without increasing their budget.

Let’s learn more on how we went about implementing it.


Our client was struggling with low Adwords ROI that was just 2 times of ad spend( for every $100 ad spend they were just selling $200 worth of products). This showed that they were not able to get the desired revenue from online sales. Clearly, they were losing out on potential customers.

We decided to –

  • Reduce their overall Ad Spend
  • Increase their revenue from online sales
  • Bring down the Ad Spend/Total conversions less than 20 percent(20/100) i.e. increase their Adwords ROI to 5 times.


We started off by doing a complete analysis of the user behavior on their website to track down what they were missing and why they were losing potential customers.

The analysis helped us in realigning their Google Adwords campaigns as per the user searches and their product categories.

Here is the complete list of strategies that we devised for them based on our analysis.

1. 24*7 Presence on Google SERP – A separate campaign with ad groups having generic keywords was created. This campaign had generic ad copies and landing pages with content that did not violate Google Ad policies. This ensured that we are present on Google SERP 24*7 via Google Ads. This resulted in:

  • Greater brand awareness
  • More user acquisition
  • 24*7 Google SERP presence

2. Language-Specific Campaigns – Separate language-specific campaigns were created for regions that were getting revenue and the primary language was other than English.
This resulted in:

  • More user acquisition
  • Greater brand awareness

3. Location Targeting in Top Brand Campaigns – We started targeting the best revenue-generating locations by adjusting bids in top-selling brand campaigns.
This resulted in:

  • More user acquisition in the targeted location
  • Better conversion rate

4. YouTube Ad Campaigns – Created new campaigns for YouTube ads. The active users on YouTube are in millions in the UK so it made sense to do that.
This resulted in:

  • Greater brand awareness
  • Better reach
  • More conversions
  • More number of users for Re-marketing

5. Automated Bid Strategy – Started using Automated Bid Strategy in campaigns with low or no conversions.
This resulted in:

  • Better reach
  • More number of clicks

6. Phrase Match Modifier ( New Keyword Type in Google Ads) – The new phrase match modifier helped in combining Broad Match, BMM and Phrase Match Type keyword in a single keyword thus giving more control over keywords.
This resulted in:

  • Better reach and conversions

7. Competitor Campaign-Product Brands – Created separate competitor campaigns for the top-selling brands as the competitors were different for different brands.
This resulted in:

  • More user acquisition
  • More number of clicks


Below is a comparison of Adspend and ACOS (Total Adspend/ Total Conversions) summary for the year 2018  (when they were handling the Adwords on their own) and 2019 ( when we took over their Adwords Account)

Working closely on the project, in just one year, we were able to bring the following change:

  • Decrease the Ad Spend by around 50%
  • Ad Spend/Total conversion was improved by 30.6%, thus improving the Adwords ROI from just 2 times in 2018 to 5 times in 2019

Optimization is the key to success of online advertising campaigns.

Our team monitored their campaigns closely and adopted different strategies while keeping an eye on their competitors.

Clearly, the results were beyond our client’s expectations and totally worth the effort that we had put in.