A Complete 10 Step Guide To Get 10+ CTR For Your Google Ad Copies

Are you wondering how to increase click-throughs and conversions for your products? Advertising on Google is a sure way to get your business before prospects. But getting the most out of your Google Ads campaigns can be tricky. The average click-through rate (CTR) on Google Ads is 3.17%.

Some businesses get too few clicks on their ads, while others get more. As an advertiser, you must aim to get the highest clicks. CTR is a percentage of the total clicks of your ads based on the impressions (number of views). So, what is your goal? Targeting 10% CTR means ensuring ten clicks for every 100 ad views.

How Do You Measure CTR?

You cannot tell if your ad is performing well if you cannot measure the CTR. To check your CTR, you need to log into your Google Ads account. Then, go to the “Reporting” tab and find the “Ad Performance” report. The next step is to select the time frame you want for your analysis.

Your click-through rate will be under the “CTR” column. Remember, a good CTR is relative to your goals and niche. For example, if you are selling insurance, a 0.50% CTR may be considered good because it is high for that industry.

On the other hand, if you are in eCommerce, you should aim higher. That is why this blog emphasizes 10% CTR or more. It will help you get the highest possible CTR for your Google Ads. You will get a higher conversion and increase your ROI when you have more clicks.

Follow these ten steps to get the best out of your advertising.

1. Research Your Competitors’ Ads 

The first step is to research your competitors and find their best ads. There are various ways to do this, but the easiest way is to use software like AdBeat. This platform gives you access to insight into your competitors’ ad campaigns. 

A competitor research tool works by analyzing websites and determining the ads they are running. Having said that, it also tells you how much they spend on their ad campaigns and other essential details. 

This useful information is vital to help you understand what works for your competitors and adapt it to your business needs. AdBeat is just one of the many competitor research tools in the market. You can also use What Runs Where and iSpionage. 

Once you have access to your competitors’ campaigns, take some time to study them. Note the headlines, images, descriptions, call to action (CTA), and anything else that stands out. Also, note the negative points to avoid repeating them. 

2. Identify Your Target Audience 

Knowing your target audience will help you determine the kind of people you want to reach with your ads. Try to be as specific as possible when identifying your target audience. not everyone will be interested in your products even when they tend to like other items in the niche. Consider age, gender, interests, income level, job title, and location. For instance, if you sell women’s shoes, your target audience will be females. But you can further specify by age, interests, and location, among other factors. 

This step is crucial to help you create custom ads for your target audience. The more specific you are about your target audience, the easier it will be to appeal to them through Google Ads. Remember, the audience will click on a product if it fits their interests, solves their problems, and is convenient to access. 

To identify your audience, you must establish your buyer persona. Doing this makes the process of targeting more seamless. You must understand what your audience is looking for and their specific needs. 

Creating a buyer persona for your advertising requires you to put yourself in their shoes. If you were a customer, what would you want? Once you have understood this, it will be much easier to target them with your ads. 

If you are unsure how to do this, consider using AdWords’ Customer Match. This tool allows you to upload a list of your current customers and target them with your ads. Google uses the information in the database to target ads to people who match your customer list. Another way to identify your target audience is by using Google Analytics. This tool provides you with data to help you understand your website visitors. You can use this information to create a buyer persona and know the best way to reach them. 

You can use Google Analytics to track your visitors’ behavior, location, the device they used to visit your site, how long they stayed on your site, and the pages they visited. You can also track conversions and see which traffic sources generate the most leads. This practice helps you identify people who often buy products like yours. You can convert them more easily. The advert will receive more clicks from this audience, translating to a higher CTR. 

3. Write Compelling Ad Copies

Use the information you gathered in the previous step to create ad copies that appeal to your target audience. Remember to use persuasive language, but keep it simple. 

Create catchy headlines catchy and use numbers, symbols, and power words to capture attention. The description should elaborate on what the product does and how it can help the customer. 

Remember that Google Ad Copies have a limit on the characters you can use. The space you use has to accommodate a heading up to 30 characters, two descriptions of up to 90 characters each, and a URL. 

The headline is the most significant part of your ad to communicate your message to the audience. So, make sure it is clear, concise, and captures attention. It simply implies what you want to sell is equivalent to understanding the needs of consumers in the modern age. Your descriptions should elaborate on what the product does and how it can help the customer. Use persuasive language, but keep it simple and within the character limit. 

The use of symbols in ad copies can also help you engage the audience. Various signs send unique messages to the reader. For example, an exclamation mark can show excitement, while a question mark can show concern or a need for more information. 

You can use the percentage sign (%) when offering a discount, the copyright sign (©) when you want to show credibility, and the dollar sign ($) when you want to talk about value. 

Power words are also essential in ad copies as they can help evoke certain emotions. For example, if you want to show that your product is luxurious, you can use words like “premium,” “exclusive,” or “deluxe.” 

If you want to show that your product is affordable and feasible, you can use words like “budget-friendly,” “economical,” or “value for money.” Choose the best CTA for your ad copy. It should be simple yet effective. It can be an encouragement to call, visit the website, or learn more about the product. Your CTA should be relevant to what you are offering, and it should align with your overall marketing goals. 

If you want people to buy your product, use a CTA like “Buy Now,” “Shop Now,” or “Add to Cart,” while if you want people to learn more about your product, use a CTA like “Read More,” “Watch the Demo,” or “Download the Guide.”Ensure your CTA is visible. Use action words that encourage people to take the desired action instead of generic words like “click here.” 

4. Employ Keywords Appropriately 

Keywords are fundamental in every form of advertising and copywriting. They help you rank the products in SERPs. Keywords also enable customers to find the items or services they need with a few descriptive words. For example, “white chocolate” will show only ads with chocolate in the title or description instead of those with the word “candy.” 

The keywords you use on your ad copies must reveal the nature of the product you sell. Use the keywords in a specific way instead of generic. Avoid terms that would bring confusion, like “click here,” which could mean anything. 

Use long-tail keywords, which are more specific and have low competition. They help you target a particular audience with the ads. An example of a long-tail keyword is “buy white chocolate online.” 

Use negative keywords to prevent your ad from appearing when customers use these terms in their search. This method will lower your ad appearance but improve the CTR. Your ads will be relevant for product listings that people need. 

Also, use keywords in all parts of the advertisement. Add them to the heading, description, and display link. People want to be sure the page is about the product you are advertising. They want to see the keyword in the link to have assurance. A keyword research tool is vital in finding the right keywords for your product copy. Google Ads Keyword Planner is one of the best tools you can use. You can also use Google Trends to find which keywords are popular and relevant to your product.

5. Create A Sense Of Urgency 

People are more likely to buy a product when they feel they need it right away. You can create a sense of urgency in your ad copy by using phrases like “limited time only,” “while supplies last,” or “act now.” This method is effective because it encourages people to take action on expiring offers and limited edition products, like a particular car model. Also, you can use this method to advertise a product on special sales like Black Friday or Cyber Monday. 

When using this technique, make sure that the urgency is real. Avoid using it for products that will always be available or those on sale all the time. Also, do not overuse this method as it can backfire and turn customers away. Creating a sense of urgency is an effective way to encourage people to click on relevant ads. Employ appropriate words and phrases to produce the desired effect on potential customers. 

Your language must not come across as pushy. Be clear about what the offer is and when it expires. Do not use false claims or exclamation points to make your ad seem more urgent than it is. When used appropriately, this technique can boost your CTR on various ads to your E-Commerce store. Your product listing must be on point, and the offer must be legitimate for customers to take you at your word. 

You can also use urgency in your ad campaigns by running time-sensitive promotions. For example, you can offer a discount for 24 hours or free shipping for a week. This type of urgency usually works well because people are more likely to buy when they know they are getting a deal. 

Another thing to avoid is using too many words to describe your urgency. Remember the character limit, and you must convey your message in as few words as possible. Be clear and concise in your language to produce the desired effect. 

When used correctly, creating a sense of urgency can be an effective way to improve your CTR. You must be strategic in your word choice and offer legitimate deals to customers. This method can help you increase conversions and sales for your business. 

6. Offer a Discount or Freebie

People love getting discounts and freebies. You can use this to your advantage by offering a discount or a freebie in your ad copy. For example, you can offer 20% off the regular price or a gift with purchase. 

This method is effective because it entices people to click on your ad. They know they are getting a deal, so they are more likely to buy from you. Also, make sure the discount or freebie is relevant to your product. Do not offer a discount or freebie that is not related to your product. It will only confuse potential customers and lower your CTR. You want people to click on the ad because of the product and not the discount. The discount should be an added value for their purchase. 

Avoid hiking the price when creating an offer to cover the discount. This behavior will only make people suspicious of your motives. Be transparent in your pricing and stick to your regular rates. 

Ensure your offering appears clearly in the heading to grab the buyer’s attention. Use offers like “Buy 2 Tires Get a Free Tube” to get more clicks to your tire shop. Ensure you offer a quality tube to your buyers because negative feedback can ruin your trustworthiness and sales. 

7. Employ Ad Extensions

Ad extensions on Google Ads are an effective way to improve your CTR. They are additional information you can add to your ad to make it more relevant and informative. 

Examples of ad extensions include callouts, sitelinks, call buttons, location, and price. These extensions help improve the quality score of your ad and make it more likely to appear in search with various keywords. However, only use ad extensions relevant to your product or service. 

Never add too many ad extensions. It can clutter your ad and make it less effective. Stick to a few necessary extensions that will improve the quality of your ad and increase the likelihood of people clicking on it. 

When using ad extensions, test different types to find the most effective ones. You can use A/B testing to see which ad extensions perform best for your particular campaign. This method will help you improve your CTR and conversions over time. 

Be strategic in using ad extensions, and only add relevant ones to your campaigns. Understanding your audience and product will help you determine which ad extensions will work best for you. 

Understand that using ad extensions costs you nothing extra. Your only expense is the time it takes to create them. If you can save time by using ad extensions, then do so. They are worth the effort if they improve your CTR. 

8. Employ Smart Bidding

You cannot get accurate CTR if your ad keeps fluctuating in position. Consistency promotes visibility and stability in your brand. 

Google’s Smart Bidding is an effective way to improve your ad position and CTR. This feature uses machine learning to set bids for you automatically. It uses various factors such as conversion rate, click-through rate, search term, device, and location. 

Smart Bidding can help you save money and time while improving your ad performance. However, you need to understand your goals before using this feature. 

If your goal is to improve brand awareness, focus on impressions and reach. If your goal is to increase sales, focus on conversion rate and ROI. Once you know your goals, you can set up Smart Bidding to help you achieve them. 

Smart Bidding is not a magic solution that will improve your CTR overnight. It is a tool that can save you time and money while also improving your ad performance over time. Use it wisely, and you will see the benefits in your campaign results. 

The best way to deploy this strategy is by setting up a budget and scaling according to performance. The automated process will enhance performance by promoting your ad to relevant visitors according to behavior, keyword search, time of day, and other factors. 

9. Lower Your Ad Impressions 

How many times must someone see your ad to click on it? You may think that you need more impressions for you to increase CTR. However, that is the opposite. More ad views can lower the clicks you receive to your website. 

As you test your ads, you will understand that some keywords and ad formats perform better than others. This information will help you focus on the areas that are working and lower your ad spend in the areas that are not. 

You can use Google Analytics to track your ad impressions and clicks. This data will help you understand which keywords and ad formats perform well and which ones need improvement. 

Focus on quality over quantity. Check the lower CTR keywords and add them to the negative keyword list. They will trigger your ad less often, but you will save money while improving your overall CTR. 

Your Google Ads will only be visible on more relevant searches by eliminating the low-quality ads. You will receive more clicks because your ad will appear in front of people who are interested in what you have to offer. 

You can also use Google’s Display Planner tool to research where your ads will be shown. This information will help you ensure that your ad is placed on websites relevant to your product or service.

10. Improve Your Quality Score

Your Quality Score is a metric that Google uses to determine how relevant and useful your ad is. The higher your Quality Score, the lower your CPC and the better your ad position. 

A higher Quality Score means your ad is relevant to the keywords you are targeting and valuable to those who see them. It should also focus specifically on the product or service you are selling. 

You can improve your Quality Score by using relevant keywords, targeting ad groups, and creating relevant ad text. You should also ensure that your landing page is relevant to the keywords you target and easy to navigate. 

You will improve your CTR, lower your CPC, and save money on your Google Ads campaign by improving your Quality Score. This strategy is essential if you want to be successful with Google Ads. 


Advertising on Google can help you reach a wider audience. However, you may spend more on CPC and CPM if your CTR is low. You need to take action to improve your CTR if you want to be successful with Google Ads. 

The strategies in this guide will help you increase your CTR and improve your ad performance. Google provides support and resources to help you get started. Use them wisely, and you will be on your way to a successful campaign.